It’s summertime, which for many individuals means getting out on the golf course as much as possible! For most golfers, the game is fun but it can also be challenging and frustrating. A lot of golfers think that the psychological aspect of the game is the biggest challenge to becoming a better player, but there’s more to it than just your mindset.
Your health and fitness status plays a major role in your golf game. If you aren’t in your best shape and you don’t have the right technique, you can experience pain in uncomfortable places – preventing you from golfing as much as you want.
While golfing is relaxing and enjoyable, it is a one-sided sport and you put your body under a lot of stress and at risk of injury when in some of the awkward positions required to swing a club. Furthermore, repairing the same motion for an extended period of time can wear on your body if you don’t take proper precautions. Don’t get stuck sitting in the cart while your friends play 18-holes.
The talented team of physical therapists and chiropractors at our Albany, NY office recommended adhering to these tips to help you avoid hip, shoulder, and neck pain while golfing.
Stretch before you play.
By stretching for five to ten minutes before golfing, you increase your flexibility and loosen your muscles – making it easier for you to move and play. Stretching will only decrease your chances of pulling or tweaking a muscle in your legs, back, neck, or shoulders.
Warm-up properly.
One of the best things you can do for your body when playing any sport, especially golf, is to warm it up properly. Spend 10 minutes before you play hitting a basket of balls at the driving range so you can prepare your muscles for your golf outing.
Adjust your swing.
Most golfers continue to rotate their shoulders after their swing is complete which can cause a lot of strain on your shoulders and back. This constant movement and strain can cause a lot of pain, and you may not be able to play as often as you’d like. To fix this, adjust your swing to stop swinging your arms after you turn your body when making contact with the ball. Your new swing may feel weird, but once you get used to it, you’ll be thanking us for saving you from pain!
Master your technique.
When it comes to golf, it’s all about technique and how you hit the ball. To prevent injury, you should spend time perfecting your swing and technique — perhaps with the assistance of your course’s golf pro — so you know when you did something wrong. If you feel something off on a swing, you can reassess and fix it for the next one – helping to avoid any injuries.
These four recommendations are simple and quick things you can do to enhance your golf game and avoid injuries; however, if you’d like a more customized approach to improving your game while protecting your body and avoiding injury, contact us by calling (518) 869-3884 to schedule your appointment! Many times we have same-day appointments available.
This blog was written with information from Set Physical Therapy.